Workshops & Presentations
Continous learning and development is not only a necessary part of life, but a critical piece to our growth in both our personal and professional lives.
DeYonne Parker, and her team, offer a variety of workshops, presentations, and webinars/seminars through The S.W.A.G. University In the following categories:
- Personal Development
- Professional Development
- Leadership Development
When you book Parker and her team for your event, you should expect they will deliver interactive, thought provoking, power packed presentations that will have your audience talking, texting and tweeting their experience.
Please feel free to take a look at our offerings and select one (or multiple) that best fit your needs.
Variations of each of the following offerings can be modified and delivered in a 60-minute workshop/breakout session, ½ day, full-day session or keynote and virtual formats. For more information about our offerings below, please click here to inquire.
Personal development Workshops
Girl, Get Your S.W.A.G. Back!: A Soul-Freeing Journey for Women TM
This powerful workshop is one of our signature workshops and is designed for women who are looking to regain their Self-confidence, restore their Walk with God, renew their Attitude of gratitude and reclaim their God-given gifts & talents. If that's you, then GIRL, it's time to get your S.W.A.G. Back! Whether you've experienced personal trauma or life's day to day drama, this is for you. Participants will be challenged to examine the truth of their life journey and provoked to take the necessary actions to start changing it. This workshop can be taken in either the 6-week virtual experience or the full day classroom workshop experience. Also, be on the look out for the small group series for group leaders to lead their women's group through this experience.
This powerful workshop is one of our signature workshops and is designed for women who are looking to regain their Self-confidence, restore their Walk with God, renew their Attitude of gratitude and reclaim their God-given gifts & talents. If that's you, then GIRL, it's time to get your S.W.A.G. Back! Whether you've experienced personal trauma or life's day to day drama, this is for you. Participants will be challenged to examine the truth of their life journey and provoked to take the necessary actions to start changing it. This workshop can be taken in either the 6-week virtual experience or the full day classroom workshop experience. Also, be on the look out for the small group series for group leaders to lead their women's group through this experience.
Walking in Destiny TM
This shoe-themed workshop is another one of our signature workshops and is designed to help women free their minds, find their footing and follow their passions. It's our desire that, through this workshop, women will find their God-given purpose and begin to boldly and confidently strut into their destiny. With the use of our "Shoe Showcase", women are taken on a journey that will help them identify where they are in their life and where they want to be in the next chapter. This workshop is sure to leave an imprint on your "sole". |
Fire "Balance" and Hire "Harmony TM (Workshop)
Are you looking to spend more time being a devoted spouse, a caring and nurturing parent, a committed business professional or entrepreneur? How about finding the time to play an active role in your social life or be attentive in your role as a daughter, son, sibling, aunt, uncle, friend, community volunteer, church goer, coach or team member? And that’s not even the full scope of what some of us do in our lives. This workshop is designed to help you re-examine the many areas of your life that you've struggled to achieve balance and help you begin to look for HARMONY in the things that matter most.
If Her Purse Could Talk (Workshop, Small Group Experience)
If you’re a woman who carries a purse, you’re all too familiar with how it feels when someone attempts to open your purse and rummage through the contents WITHOUT your permission. A woman' s purse is sacred. We carry some of everything in them, from personal items to priceless possessions. So, we guard and protect them from anyone or anything that might pose a threat to it or the contents within it.
If Her Purse Could Talk is a clever compilation of honest and heartfelt stories anchored in courage, strength and perseverance. DeYonne Parker, Visionary and Compiler, along with 11 other courageous women, invite you to open each of their “purses” and take a peek inside. This unique experience will help you find your own answer to the question, "If your purse could talk, what would it say?". Contact us today to schedule your Purse Party!
Just a Girl with Goals (In-Person/Virtual Workshop)
“I’m living my BEST life!” Wait…ARE YOU REALLY? This statement has been made by so many people who are definitely NOT living their best life. What does this statement truly mean anyway? Well, we think the answer to this question is truly left up to how YOU define YOUR best life. What we know for sure is that truly successful people set and achieve clearly defined goals that lead them to living their best life. Girl, if you’re ready to stop talking about it and truly ready to BE about it, register today for our interactive 90-minute masterclass, “Just a Girl with Goals” and let us help you get to the best life you desire to live. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.
Are you looking to spend more time being a devoted spouse, a caring and nurturing parent, a committed business professional or entrepreneur? How about finding the time to play an active role in your social life or be attentive in your role as a daughter, son, sibling, aunt, uncle, friend, community volunteer, church goer, coach or team member? And that’s not even the full scope of what some of us do in our lives. This workshop is designed to help you re-examine the many areas of your life that you've struggled to achieve balance and help you begin to look for HARMONY in the things that matter most.
If Her Purse Could Talk (Workshop, Small Group Experience)
If you’re a woman who carries a purse, you’re all too familiar with how it feels when someone attempts to open your purse and rummage through the contents WITHOUT your permission. A woman' s purse is sacred. We carry some of everything in them, from personal items to priceless possessions. So, we guard and protect them from anyone or anything that might pose a threat to it or the contents within it.
If Her Purse Could Talk is a clever compilation of honest and heartfelt stories anchored in courage, strength and perseverance. DeYonne Parker, Visionary and Compiler, along with 11 other courageous women, invite you to open each of their “purses” and take a peek inside. This unique experience will help you find your own answer to the question, "If your purse could talk, what would it say?". Contact us today to schedule your Purse Party!
Just a Girl with Goals (In-Person/Virtual Workshop)
“I’m living my BEST life!” Wait…ARE YOU REALLY? This statement has been made by so many people who are definitely NOT living their best life. What does this statement truly mean anyway? Well, we think the answer to this question is truly left up to how YOU define YOUR best life. What we know for sure is that truly successful people set and achieve clearly defined goals that lead them to living their best life. Girl, if you’re ready to stop talking about it and truly ready to BE about it, register today for our interactive 90-minute masterclass, “Just a Girl with Goals” and let us help you get to the best life you desire to live. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.
professional development workshops
Is Your Vision Blurry? TM (Keynote Presentation)
This one’s for all my fellow visionaries who are in the beginning or midst of casting God-ordained visions, but need a little clarity. When God has given you a vision to cast, He will provide the details in how to carry it out. It may take a few tries to fine tune the vision, but that’s all a part of the process. This presentation will give you the necessary tips, tools and techniques to help bring your vision to life. Your Signature Move TM (In-Person/Virtual Workshop) Developing and communicating your personal brand is becoming increasingly important in the business world. So, in a world filled with so many people, how do you stand out? What makes you noticeable? Think of it like a dance move. One that you've perfected and when executed at the right time, it leaves your on lookers in awe. That's your signature move! The move people remember you for and will seek you for. This workshop will help you define, determine and deliver your signature move! You Own It! Developing the Career You Deserve TM (Virtual Workshop/Keynote Presentation) This interactive course is designed for the individual who is ready to own their career and drive it to the next level. This class will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to create effective development plans for yourself. We will explore many different facets of development, from identifying past experiences that have worked for you in developing yourself or others to creating development plans that drive your career to the next level. Nailed It!: How to Interview Like a Pro TM (Virtual Workshop) Having challenges landing the job of your dreams? Do you leave an interview wishing you could have a "do over"? Interviewing is tough for most of us. It's not a pleasant experience feeling like the spot light is on you and you can't find the words to say. If this describes how you feel when you interview, well, this workshop is for you. Learn how to interview confidently, courageously, and consistently. You'll learn the latest interviewing techinques that most top rated corporate organizations are looking for in an interview. You'll learn how to respond to tough interview questions that will leave the interviewer impressed and jumping at the chance to offer you the position. |